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Venom In Action. Simple Tokensale


During the following of this guide's code-listings you can meet keywords like pragma ever-solidity or keyword ever as a unit of the transfer value. It will be changed to venom soon. Follow the news and updates.

Who needs a token, that nobody can buy? So, let's create your first tokensale contract!

Perhaps, you already can set up your venom developer environment. If not - follow this guide. If you are already familiar with this action - let's start with locklift init.

npx locklift init --path my-first-crowdsale

As in a previous guide, we need to add TIP-3 contracts as a dependency to this project:

npm i --save-dev @broxus/tip3
compiler: {
externalContracts: {
"node_modules/@broxus/tip3/build": ["TokenRoot", "TokenWallet"],

Now we can start with our tokensale contract. Create a Tokensale.tsol file in your contracts folder. First of all, let's arrange pragmas and imports.

pragma ever-solidity >= 0.62.0;
pragma AbiHeader expire;
pragma AbiHeader pubkey;

import "@broxus/tip3/contracts/interfaces/IAcceptTokensTransferCallback.tsol";
import "@broxus/tip3/contracts/interfaces/ITokenRoot.tsol";
import "@broxus/tip3/contracts/interfaces/ITokenWallet.tsol";

As you can see, we will use some interfaces from the TIP-3 implementation. Let's define our contract state and constructor.

contract Tokensale {
uint16 static _nonce; // Some random value to affect on contract address
address static _owner; // Tokensale owner. Will receive all transfers

address public _distributedTokenRoot; // TIP3 TokenRoot address for deploying wallet for Tokensale. This token will be distributed
address public _distributedTokenWallet; // TIP3 wallet for Tokensale for sending purchased tokens
uint256 public _supply; // How much tokens will be distributed (with decimals)
uint128 public _rate; // How much tokens buyer will receive for 1 nanovenom (1*10^9)

address distributedTokenRoot,
uint256 supply,
uint128 rate,
address sendRemainingGasTo
) public {
tvm.accept(); // This action is required to process external messages that bring no value - deploy as we have.
tvm.rawReserve(1 ever, 0); // we will always reserve 1 venom on this contract
_distributedTokenRoot = distributedTokenRoot;
_rate = rate;
_supply = supply;

// fundamental mechanic of dapps working with tip3 - deploy it's own wallet to operate with. check tip3 specs for more info
ITokenRoot(distributedTokenRoot).deployWallet {
value: 0.2 ever,
flag: 1,
callback: Tokensale.onTokenWallet // this callback will be called by TokenRoot after deploying wallet for tokensale
} (
0.1 ever
// sending remaining gas after setups
sendRemainingGasTo.transfer({ value: 0, flag: 128, bounce: false });

So, let's break down some fundamental mechanics in this small piece of code. The very first thing that you should look out - gas management. Look at these two lines:

tvm.rawReserve(1 ever, 0);
sendRemainingGasTo.transfer({ value: 0, flag: 128, bounce: false });

Fist code line is like a reservation of 1 venom on this contract. Essentially it generates an outbound message carrying reserve nanovenoms to oneself so that the next performed actions would not be able to spend more venoms than the remainder.

The next line is a best practice for gas management in Venom. You always should send the remaining gas to the message sender or another given address. Pay attention to value and flag parameters of transfer function. Flag 128 means, that this transfer will carry all remaining not reserver gas! Summarizing, we have a flow like this:

  1. Reserving some initial contract balance for always active state.
  2. Perform contract logic (may be checked inbound value if you need this)
  3. Send remaining gas with 128 flag to message sender or another pointed address

The next important logic of our constructor code is deploying a wallet for contract on-chain

ITokenRoot(distributedTokenRoot).deployWallet {
value: 0.2 ever,
flag: 1,
callback: Tokensale.onTokenWallet // this callback will be called by TokenRoot after deploying wallet for tokensale
} (
0.1 ever

This action generates an outbound message to TokenRoot contract by calling a deployWallet function. This function is responsible . That means it will generate an internal outbound message by calling a function, that was passed in a callback parameter (onTokenWallet in our case). Let's implement this function for our Tokensale contract. From TIP-3 source code we know, that deployWallet returns tonly one parameter - deployed wallet address. So, just store it in our state.

function onTokenWallet(address value) external {
require (
msg.sender.value != 0 &&
msg.sender == _distributedTokenRoot, // check, that calling was from TokenRoot we need
101 // some error code for this require
tvm.rawReserve(1 ever, 0);
_distributedTokenWallet = value; // store deployed tip3 wallet address
_owner.transfer({ value: 0, flag: 128, bounce: false }); // sending remaining gas after setups

That's all. Now, when we will deploy Tokensale contract, deployWallet will be called too and returned value will be stored in our contract state. All we need is a function to sell our tokens.

function buyTokens(uint128 deposit) external view {
tvm.rawReserve(1 ever, 0);
// 1 venom is a technical value for fee...remaining gas will be returned after tokens transfer (from tip3 wallet)
if (deposit > msg.value + 1 ever) { // if we using require, we are frozing incoming value in this contract, so just return it
msg.sender.transfer({ value: 0, flag: 128, bounce: false });
} else {
uint128 purchase = _rate * deposit;
if (purchase > _supply) {
msg.sender.transfer({ value: 0, flag: 128, bounce: false});
} else {
TvmCell empty;
// here we just operate with deployed in constructor wallet. owner should provide token supply on this wallet before sales!
ITokenWallet(_distributedTokenWallet).transfer{ value: 0, flag: 128 }(
0.1 ever, // this parameter allows to deploy wallet for user, if it's not deployed yet. (fee takes from message so will be payed by user)

Notice, that we don't use require instruction to check incoming value. If we will use require, the user's deposit will not be returned to the sender and will stay on contract. So anyone can take this as a remaining gas, according to gas management (because these venoms won't be reserved). Best practice - when you check something incoming (venoms, other tip-3 tokens), you should use if instead of require.

The next mechanic is already familiar to you. Tokensale just calls its own deployed in the constructor wallet to transfer tokens for a buyer. Of course, you should transfer supply tokens to tokensale wallet before sales starts :)

ITokenWallet(_distributedTokenWallet).transfer{ value: 0, flag: 128 }(
0.1 ever, // this parameter allows to deploy wallet for user, if it's not deployed yet. (fee takes from message so will be payed by user)

Pay attention to value and flag. Again 0 and 128. This allows us to delegate sending of the remaining gas to TokenWallet contract (of course if you are sure, that delegate performs this action). We send all remaining not reserved gas to TokenWallet, and, after its own actions, TokenWallet will return the remaining gas where required. (4th parameter of transfer function).

So, let's check our final contract code

pragma ever-solidity >= 0.62.0;
pragma AbiHeader expire;
pragma AbiHeader pubkey;

import "@broxus/tip3/contracts/interfaces/IAcceptTokensTransferCallback.tsol";
import "@broxus/tip3/contracts/interfaces/ITokenRoot.tsol";
import "@broxus/tip3/contracts/interfaces/ITokenWallet.tsol";

contract Tokensale {
uint16 static _nonce; // some random value to affect on contract address
address static _owner; // tokensale owner. will receive all transfers

address public _distributedTokenRoot; // TIP3 TokenRoot address for deploying wallet for Tokensale. This token will be distributed
address public _distributedTokenWallet; // TIP3 wallet for Tokensale for sending purchased tokens
uint256 public _supply; // How much tokens will be distributed (with decimals)
uint128 public _rate; // How much tokens buyer will receive for 1 nanovenom (1*10^9)

address distributedTokenRoot,
uint256 supply,
uint128 rate,
address sendRemainingGasTo
) public {
tvm.rawReserve(1 ever, 0); // we will always reserve 1 venom on this contract
_distributedTokenRoot = distributedTokenRoot;
_rate = rate;
_supply = supply;

// fundamental mechanic of dapps working with tip3 - deploy it's own wallet to operate with. check tip3 specs for more info
ITokenRoot(distributedTokenRoot).deployWallet {
value: 0.2 ever,
flag: 1,
callback: Tokensale.onTokenWallet // this callback will be called by TokenRoot after deploying wallet for tokensale
} (
0.1 ever
// sending remaining gas after setups
sendRemainingGasTo.transfer({ value: 0, flag: 128, bounce: false });

function onTokenWallet(address value) external {
require (
msg.sender.value != 0 &&
msg.sender == _distributedTokenRoot,
tvm.rawReserve(1 ever, 0);
_distributedTokenWallet = value; // store deployed tip3 wallet address
_owner.transfer({ value: 0, flag: 128, bounce: false }); // sending remaining gas after setups

function buyTokens(uint128 deposit) external view {
tvm.rawReserve(1 ever, 0);
// 1 venom is a technical value for fee...remaining gas will be returned after tokens transfer (from tip3 wallet)
if (deposit > msg.value + 1 ever) { // if we using require, we are frozing incoming value in this contract, so just return it
msg.sender.transfer({ value: 0, flag: 128, bounce: false });
} else {
uint128 purchase = _rate * deposit;
if (purchase > _supply) {
msg.sender.transfer({ value: 0, flag: 128, bounce: false});
} else {
TvmCell empty;
// here we just operate with deployed in constructor wallet. owner should provide token supply on this wallet before sales!
ITokenWallet(_distributedTokenWallet).transfer{ value: 0, flag: 128 }(
0.1 ever, // this parameter allows to deploy wallet for user, if it's not deployed yet. (fee takes from message so will be payed by user)

All you need now is a write some tests with locklift supports. This all-in-one example with locklift environment, some simple tests and deploy scripts is available in repo.