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Non-Fungible Token on-chain indexes (TIP-4.3)

Requires: TIP-4.1 Requires: TIP-6.1


Using the Index contract code, you can find all your NFT with one dApp query. This makes blockchain application less dependent on different off-chain parsers and indexers

On-chain Indexes solves easy and fast searching any data in blockchain. This document shows standard for basic query. Any developer can get an idea of this solution and realize his own on-chain index.


A standard interface allows search all Collection and all NFT by owner using base dApp functionality


The keywords “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119


  • Collection - TIP4.1 contract that minted token
  • NFT - TIP4.1 contract that store token information
  • IndexBasis - contract, that helps to find all collections by the code hash of which
  • Index - contract, that helps to find:
    • All user tokens in current collection using owner address and collection address
    • All user tokens in all collections using owner address

code of IndexBasis and Index contracts and code hash of contracts is fixed and CANNOT BE CHANGED


pragma ton-solidity >= 0.58.0;

interface IIndexBasis {
function getInfo() external view responsible returns (address collection);
function destruct(address gasReceiver) external;


pragma ton-solidity >= 0.58.0;

import 'IIndexBasis.sol';

* Errors
* 101 - Method for collection only
contract IndexBasis is IIndexBasis {
address static _collection;

modifier onlyCollection() {
require(msg.sender == _collection, 101, "Method for collection only");

constructor() public onlyCollection {}

function getInfo() override public view responsible returns (address collection) {
return {value: 0, flag: 64} _collection;

function destruct(address gasReceiver) override public onlyCollection {

Code hash of IndexBasis compiled by TVMCompiler v0.58.2 and TVM-linker v0.14.51 without salting is 2359f897c9527073b1c95140c670089aa5ab825f5fd1bd453db803fbab47def2


function getInfo() external view responsible returns (address collection);
  • collection (address) - collection token contract address


function destruct(address gasReceiver) external;
  • gasReceiver (address) - address of contract that receives all remaining contract balance after selfdestruct() call


pragma ton-solidity >= 0.58.0;

interface IIndex {
function getInfo() external view responsible returns (
address collection,
address owner,
address nft
function destruct(address gasReceiver) external;


pragma ton-solidity >= 0.58.0;

import 'IIndex.sol';

* Errors
* 101 - Method for NFT only
* 102 - Salt doesn't contain any value
contract Index is IIndex {
address static _nft;

address _collection;
address _owner;

constructor(address collection) public {
optional(TvmCell) salt = tvm.codeSalt(tvm.code());
require(salt.hasValue(), 102, "Salt doesn't contain any value");
(, address collection_, address owner) = salt
.decode(string, address, address);
require(msg.sender == _nft);
_collection = collection_;
_owner = owner;
if (collection_.value == 0) {
_collection = collection;

function getInfo() override public view responsible returns (
address collection,
address owner,
address nft
) {
return {value: 0, flag: 64} (

function destruct(address gasReceiver) override public {
require(msg.sender == _nft, 101, "Method for NFT only");

Code hash of Index compiled by TVMCompiler v0.58.2 and TVM-linker v0.14.51 without salting is 61e5f39a693dc133ea8faf3e80fac069250161b0bced3790c20ae234ce6fd866


function getInfo() external view responsible returns (
address collection,
address owner,
address nft
  • collection (address) - collection token contract address
  • owner (address) - token owner contract address
  • nft (address) - token contract address


function destruct(address gasReceiver) external;
  • gasReceiver (address) - address of contract that receives all remaining contract balance after selfdestruct() call


  • TIP-4.1 Collection contract must implement the TIP4_3Collection interface and TIP-6.1 interfaces
  • TIP-4.1 Collection contract must deploy IndexBasis contract after deployment with code salt
  • TIP-4.1 Collection contract must destuct() IndexBasis contracts before collection destruction


pragma ton-solidity >= 0.58.0;

interface TIP4_3Collection {
function indexBasisCode() external view responsible returns (TvmCell code);
function indexBasisCodeHash() external view responsible returns (uint256 hash);
function indexCode() external view responsible returns (TvmCell code);
function indexCodeHash() external view responsible returns (uint256 hash);
function resolveIndexBasis() external view responsible returns (address indexBasis);

NOTE The TIP-6.1 identifier for this interface is 0x4387BBFB


function indexBasisCode() external view responsible returns (TvmCell code);
  • code (TvmCell) - basis index contract code


function indexBasisCodeHash() external view responsible returns (uint256 hash);
  • hash (uint256) - basis index contract code hash


function indexCode() external view responsible returns (TvmCell code);
  • code (TvmCell) - index contract code


function indexCodeHash() external view responsible returns (uint256 hash);
  • hash (uint256) - index contract code hash


function resolveIndexBasis() external view responsible returns (address indexBasis);
  • indexBasis (address) - basis index contract address

Code salt parameters

  • stamp (string) - stamp that determine type of index. stamp = "nft"; for all NFT indexes

Example of IndexBasis deployment

function deployIndexBasis(TvmCell codeIndex, address collection, uint128 value) private pure {
string stamp = "nft";
TvmBuilder salt;;
TvmCell code = tvm.setCodeSalt(codeIndex, salt.toCell());
TvmCell stateInit = tvm.buildStateInit({
contr: IndexBasis,
varInit: {_collection: collection},
code: code
new IndexBasis{stateInit: stateInit, value: value}();


  • TIP-4.1 Collection contract must implement the TIP4_3NFT interface and TIP-6.1 interfaces
  • TIP-4.1 NFT contract must deploy at least two Index contract after deployment with different code salt
    • With zero collection address collection = "0:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" in code salt
    • With non-zero collection address collection = "0:3bd8…" in code salt
  • TIP-4.1 NFT contract must destuct() Index before NFT burning
  • TIP-4.1 NFT contract must destuct() old Index contacts and deploy new Index contracts if owner changed


pragma ton-solidity >= 0.58.0;

interface TIP4_3NFT {
function indexCode() external view responsible returns (TvmCell code);
function indexCodeHash() external view responsible returns (uint256 hash);
function resolveIndex(address collection, address owner) external view responsible returns (address index);

NOTE The TIP-6.1 identifier for this interface is 0x4DF6250B


function indexCode() external view responsible returns (TvmCell code);
  • code (TvmCell) - index contract code


function indexCodeHash() external view responsible returns (uint256 hash);
  • hash (uint256) - basis index contract code hash


function resolveIndex(address collection, address owner) external view responsible returns (address index);
  • collection (address) - collection token contract address
  • owner (address) - token owner contract address
  • index (address) - index contract address

Code salt parameters

  • stamp (string) - stamp that determine type of index. stamp = "nft"; for all NFT indexes
  • collection (address) - collection token contract address
  • owner (address) - token owner contract address

Example of Index deployment

function deployIndex(TvmCell codeIndex, address nft, address collection, address owner, uint128 value) private pure {
string stamp = "nft";
TvmBuilder salt;, collection, owner);
TvmCell code = tvm.setCodeSalt(codeIndex, salt.toCell());
TvmCell stateInit = tvm.buildStateInit({
contr: Index,
varInit: {_nft: nft},
code: code
new Index{stateInit: stateInit, value: value}();

Example of dApp query for search by index

query {
filter: {
code_hash: {
eq: "207dc560c5956de1a2c1479356f8f3ee70a59767db2bf4788b1d61ad42cdad82"

Part of response example

"data": {
"accounts": [
"id": "0:000001b0422f6a7069786fa9a27aa7bb8042f58e1df01dfebc51dcb2baa5eeae"
"id": "0:00022772794253c1bf8cb4fa59d6161d574033c13d881f3eea14675b911e61b0"

Source code





IndexBasis deployment for Collection

Index Basis

Index contracts deployment for NFT

Index deploy

Redeploy Index contracts after changeOwner

Index redeploy



The original TIP-4.3 standard was developed and maintained by the Everscale network community.